Emerson MON2020 Gas Grill User Manual

RT Upd Meth Determines when the retention time will be updated. Options
Cal - Updates the retention time only during the final
calibration run.
Anly - Updates after each analysis.
Resp Fact % The maximum acceptable percent of deviation between the
new response factor and the current response factor.
Gross Dry BTU Gross energy content per cubic foot (ft
), assuming no water
is present.
Net Dry BTU Net energy content per cubic foot, assuming no water is
Gross Dry BTU per
Gross energy content per pound, assuming no water is
HV Sup MJ/m
Gross heating value in megajoules per cubic meter.
HV Inf MJ/m
Net heating value in megajoules per cubic meter.
HV Sup MJ/kg Gross heating value in megajoules per kilogram.
HV Inf MJ/kg Net heating value in megajoules per kilogram.
Sum Factor Pri Used to calculate the compressibility factor.
Sum Factor Sec Used to calculate the compressibility factor.
CV Superior Pri Gross caloric value per kilojoule (kJ).
CV Inferior Pri Net caloric value per kilojoule (kJ).
CV Superior Sec Gross caloric value per kilojoule (kJ).
CV Inferior Sec Net caloric value per kilojoule (kJ).
Gals/1000 SCF Liquid equivalent volume in gallons/1000ft
Reid Vapor The component’s vapor pressure in pounds per square inch
(psia) at 100.0 °F
LBs/Gallon Liquid density for the component at base conditions.
Rel Dens Gas The relative density of the gas phase for the component at
base conditions.
Rel Dens Liquid The relative density of the liquid phase for the component at
base conditions.
Molecular Weight The molecular weight of the component, which is used to
calculate the weight percent of each component in the
Carbon Weight The molecular weight of the carbon atoms in the component.
The name of the component according to the American Gas
Association, which is used in the AGA 8 compressibility
Ref Comp The component not found in the calibration gas but in the
sample gas for indirect calibration. If ‘none’, normal (direct)
calibration is used.
Not editable unless the calibration type is set to Relative.