Emerson MON2020 Gas Grill User Manual

3.6.4 Set the usage mode for a discrete output
A discrete output’s usage mode determines which signals are routed to it via the Limited
Alarm and Discrete Alarm functions. A discrete output can be assigned one of the
following usage modes:
Common Alarm
Calibration or Maintenance
Calibration or Validation or Maintenance
To set the usage mode for a discrete output, do the following:
1. Select Discrete Output… from the Hardware menu.
The Discrete Output window displays.
2. Select the desired mode from the drop-down menu under the Usage column for the
discrete output.
3. If you select DO for Usage, then you must also set the Start Time and Duration.
a. Click on the appropriate row under the Start Time column and enter the time that
the digital output should be turned on.
b. Click on the appropriate row under the Duration column and enter the amount of
time, in seconds, that the digital output should remain on.
c. Click on the appropriate row under the Interval column and enter the amount of
time, in hours, that should pass before the digital output turns on again.
4. Click OK to save the changes and close the window.
To save the changes and leave the window open so that you can monitor the discrete
output’s progress, click Save. The current state of the discrete output displays in the State
column, and is updated in real time.