Emerson MON2020 Gas Grill User Manual

To print the report, click Print.
6. To save the file, click Save.
The report can be saved in the following file formats: TXT, HTM, HTML, and MHT.
5.7.2 Generate an Average report from archived data
To generate and view an average report from archived data, do the following:
1. Select Logs/Reports Archive Report Average....
The Average Archive Report window displays.
2. Select a report type from the Report drop-down list.
For an explanation of each report type, see Section 5.6.1.
3. Select a stream from the Stream drop-down list.
By default, the List of Averages table displays all records for the selected report type
and stream.
To date-filter the list of records, select the Time Period checkbox and use the Start Date and
End Date drop-down boxes to select a date range.
4. Select the record(s) that you want to view.
To select several records, hold down CTRL and select each record. To select several
records in a row, select the first record and then hold down SHIFT and select the last
record in the series.
5. 6. Click Start (F2).
The report displays. If more than one record was selected, each report displays after
that previous report on the same page.
To change the font size, click Font+/-. There are five preset font sizes available. Continue to
click Font +/- to cycle through the sizes until you are satisfied with the report’s readability.
To print the report, click Print.
6. To save the file, click Save.
The report can be saved in the following file formats: TXT, HTM, HTML, and MHT.
Logs and reports