Emerson MON2020 Gas Grill User Manual

Auto Valve Timing sample reportFigure 6-2:
6.6 Auto valve timing alarms
Alarm Name Description Example
Excessive AVT Adjustment If the valve timing adjustment
exceeds the limit set in the con-
figuration dialog this alarm will
be triggered and the retention
times and timed events will be
set back to their pre-adjust-
ment settings. The valve num-
ber(s) that did not find an ideal
time will be reported with the
Exc AVT Adj: 2,3
AVT Timed Event Adjustment If an adjustment of a timed
event by the AVT process re-
sults in a timed event being
within 0.5 seconds of another
timed event, this alarm will be
triggered and the retention
times and timed events will be
set back to their pre-adjust-
ment values. The timed event
and the time of the event will
be reported with the alarm.
AVT Timed Evnt Adj: 32sec
AVT Missing Peak If all of the component peaks
can not be found during any of
the calibration gas analysis
runs, this alarm will be trig-
gered and the retention times
and timed events will be set
back to their pre-adjustment
values. The peak that could not
be identified will be reported
with the alarm.
AVT Missing Peak: Nitrogen
6.7 Halt an analysis
To stop the current analysis at the end of its cycle, do the following:
1. There are three ways to halt an analysis run: