Mitsubishi Electronics QSERIES Smoker User Manual

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Index - 4
CML (16-bit negation transfers)......................... 6-114
COM (Refresh instruction)............. 7-134,7-137,7-141
Common logarithm operation on floating-point data
(Double precision) (LOG10D(P)) ....................... 7-302
Common logarithm operation on floating-point data
(Single precision) (LOG10(P)) ........................... 7-300
Comparison operation instruction table ............... 2-10
Comparison operation instructions ........................ 6-2
Comparisons (BIN 16-bit data) .............................. 6-2
Comparisons (BIN 32-bit data) .............................. 6-4
Comparisons (Character string data) .................. 6-11
Complement of 2 of BIN 16-bit data (NEG) ......... 6-94
Complement of 2 of BIN 32-bit data (DNEG) ...... 6-94
COMRD (Reading device comment data) ......... 7-201
Conditions for execution of instructions............... 3-33
Connection instructions
Association instruction table............................... 2-7
Ladder block parallel connection (ORB) .......... 5-10
Ladder block series connection (ANB)............. 5-10
Linking character strings ($+)........................... 6-65
Contact instruction................................................. 2-6
Contact instructions
Operation start (LD, LDI).................................... 5-2
Parallel connection (OR, ORI)............................ 5-2
Pulse operation start (LDF, LDP) ................. 5-5,5-7
Pulse parallel connection (ORF,ORP) ......... 5-5,5-7
Pulse serial connection (ANF, ANP) ............ 5-5,5-7
Series connection (AND, ANI)............................ 5-2
BCD 4-digit to BIN (BIN) .................................. 6-75
BCD 8-digit to BIN (DBIN)................................ 6-75
BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit (DBL).......................... 6-88
BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Double
precision) (FLTD) ............................................. 6-81
BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Single
precision) (FLT)................................................ 6-78
BIN 16-bit to Gray code (GRY) ........................ 6-90
BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit (WORD) ..................... 6-89
BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Double
precision) (DFLTD)........................................... 6-81
BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Single
precision) (DFLT) ............................................. 6-78
BIN 32-bit to Gray code (DGRY)...................... 6-90
BIN to BCD 4-digit (BCD)................................. 6-73
BIN to BCD 8-digit (DBCD) .............................. 6-73
Double precision to Single precision (EDCON)
....................................................................... 6-104
Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Double
precision) (INTD).............................................. 6-86
Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Single
precision) (INT) ................................................ 6-83
Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Single
precision) (DINT).............................................. 6-83
Floating decimal point data to BIN32-bit (Double
precision) (DINTD) ........................................... 6-86
Gray code to BIN 16-bit (GBIN) ....................... 6-92
Gray code to BIN 32-bit (DGBIN)..................... 6-92
Single precision to Double precision (ECON)
....................................................................... 6-102
Conversion from ASCII to hexadecimal BIN (HEX)
........................................................................... 7-230
Conversion from BCD 4-digit to decimal ASCII
(BCDDA)............................................................ 7-189
Conversion from BCD 8-digit to decimal ASCII
(DBCDDA) ......................................................... 7-189
Conversion from BIN 16-bit to character string (STR)
........................................................................... 7-206
Conversion from BIN 16-bit to decimal ASCII (BINDA)
........................................................................... 7-183
Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point
(Double precision) (FLTD) ................................... 6-81
Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point
(Single precision) (FLT) ....................................... 6-78
Conversion from BIN 16-bit to hexadecimal ASCII
(BINHA) ............................................................. 7-186
Conversion from BIN 32-bit to character string (DSTR)
........................................................................... 7-206
Conversion from BIN 32-bit to decimal ASCII
(DBINDA)........................................................... 7-183
Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point
(Double precision) (DFLTD)................................. 6-81
Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point
(Single precision) (DFLT)..................................... 6-78
Conversion from BIN 32-bit to hexadecimal ASCII
(DBINHA)........................................................... 7-186
Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN
16-bit data (BKBIN)............................................ 6-100
Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit
data (BKBCD) ...................................................... 6-98
Conversion from character string to BIN 16-bit (VAL)
........................................................................... 7-212
Conversion from character string to BIN 32-bit (DVAL)
........................................................................... 7-212
Conversion from character string to floating decimal
point (EVAL) ...................................................... 7-224
Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 4-digit
(DABCD)............................................................ 7-198
Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 8-digit
(DDABCD) ......................................................... 7-198
Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit (DABIN)
........................................................................... 7-192
Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit
(DDABIN)........................................................... 7-192
Conversion from floating decimal point to character
string (ESTR) ..................................................... 7-217
Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Double
precision) (RADD).............................................. 7-277
Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Single
precision) (RAD) ................................................ 7-275
Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Double
precision) (DEGD) .........................7-281,7-283,7-285
Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Single
precision) (DEG) ................................................ 7-279
Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit
(HABIN) ............................................................. 7-195
Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit
(DHABIN)........................................................... 7-195