3D Innovations DLT8000 Gas Grill User Manual

7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO 
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Use the Unload Button to unload the tape cartridge. When a user pushes the
Unload Button, the tape system waits until any active writing of data to tape is
completed, then begins its unload sequence.
The tape system rewinds the tape medium back into the cartridge and writes the
current or updated tape directory to the tape. The tape must be completely rewound
and unloaded into the cartridge before the cartridge can be removed from the tape
system. A complete unload operation may take 17 seconds from Beginning of Tape
Note that if the tape system is in an error state (all indicators on the right- or left-
hand side of the front panel are flashing), pushing the Unload Button causes the
tape system to reset and unload the tape, if possible.
Use the Cartridge Insert/Release Handle to load or eject a tape cartridge only when
the tape systems Operate Handle indicator is illuminated. Lift the handle to its
fully open position, or lower it to its fully closed position.