3D Innovations DLT8000 Gas Grill User Manual

 7DQGEHUJ'/73URGXFW0DQXDO
Product Family This field indicates the data density of each of the DLT tape
drives as follows:
0 Not Specified
3 10.0 / 20.0 GB
5 20.0 / 40.0 GB
6 15.0 / 30.0 GB
7 35.0 / 70.0 GB
8 40.0 / 80.0 GB
This flag differentiates between released and test versions
of firmware. When set to 1, indicates released code (Vxxx);
0 indicates field test code (Txxx). Released code has no
minor firmware version number (byte 38 = 0). Field test and
engineering versions of code have non-zero minor firmware
version numbers for tracking purposes.
… Version # These field display the various version numbers in binary,
Vendor Unique Subtype Identification of product.
Firmware Personality Numeric indicator of firmware personality. Note that when
set to 4, this indicates OEM family.
Firmware Subpersonality Set to 1, indicating standard SCSI device firmware.
Loader Present Set to 0 indicates no loader present. Non-zero indicates
loader is present.
Library Present Set to 0 indicates no library present. Non-zero indicates
library is present.
Module Revision A four byte ASCII string representing the revision level of the
tape drive’s module (the controller PCBA attached to the
tape drive).