3D Innovations DLT8000 Gas Grill User Manual

6. Ensure that the tape leader within the tape cartridge is in the correct
position. To do this, you must open the tape cartridge door. Refer to
Figure E-3.
Open the door by holding the DLTtape cartridge as shown in Figure E-3.
On the right side corner of the tape cartridge there is a small tab in a cut-
out portion of the cartridge. Using your thumb, gently lift up on the tab and
swing the door open (Figure E-3).
Inside the door, you will see the tape and cartridge leader loop. The loop
should stick up about an eighth of an inch when viewed from the edge; the
loop must be a closed loop. ,I WKH ORRS LV WRUQ EHQW SXOOHG LQ RU QRW
Leader Loop