3D Innovations DLT8000 Gas Grill User Manual

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Because this section of the manual includes descriptions of the states of
indicators on the tape system, it may be useful to review sections of this
chapter that describe tape system indicators, their states, and meanings
of states.
Follow the steps below the first &$87,21 notice to unload a tape cartridge.
Always remove the tape cartridge from the tape system BEFORE turning
off host power. Failure to remove a tape cartridge may result in cartridge
and/or tape system damage.
When you remove a tape cartridge from the system, return the cartridge
to its plastic case to protect the cartridge from damage.
1. Press the Unload button (or issue an appropriate system software command).
The yellow Tape in Use indicator blinks as the tape rewinds.
Do NOT rush removal of the tape cartridge: premature removal can
cause tape leader failure. Wait until the Operate Handle indicator
illuminates a steady green. Delay removing the tape cartridge for one or
two seconds to ensure that the tape leader of the cartridge is in a safe
position for cartridge removal.
2. When the green Operate Handle indicator illuminates steadily, lift the tape
system cartridge Insert/Release handle to its open position to eject the
3. Remove the cartridge.
4. Push the Insert/Release handle to its closed position.