Harman Stove Company DVC-500 Outdoor Fireplace User Manual

The DVC-500 operates with a negative pressure
rebox as a safety feature. Any loss of this negative
pressure will start the safety protocol, ( A two blink
status warning )
The following list of potential reasons for warnings
is in order of most likely to least likely to occur:
1.   
for long periods of time without turning the feed
adjuster knob to the "ASH OUT" position.
2.  This is
generally a slow buildup and may only cause the
unit to go in and out of Stage 1. Although as the
condition worsens, the unit will continue to step
down until it goes out.
3.  This is generally
a slow buildup and may only cause the unit to go
in and out of Stage 1. Although as the condition
worsens, the unit will Continue to step down until
it goes out.
4.  not installed or not
in proper position. (Behind ash pan)
5.  with the viewing or ash
removal door.
6.    not closed properly,
7.   are extremely loose or out of
alignment, g. 30.
8.  behind the ash pan to a
point where the ash door is sprung and not sealing
when latched.
9.   from rebox to sensing
switch is off or blocked with y ash.
10.  (usually caused by
coal under hopper lid edge gasketing after fueling).
11.  not closed properly, g. 20.
12. , other than
those shown in the owners manual.
13.  in the area being
heated. This is usually caused by the area being
too tight and using many exhausting appliances
( range hood, clothing dryer. exhaust fans, etc.).
Often this condition can be caused by heavy and
gusting winds hitting the outside, creating a negative
pressure inside. This internal to external pressure
difference may cause the unit to go in and out of
Stage 1.
14.  or disconnected wiring
between control board and safety switch.
15.  (not eld adjustable).
16.  - there is electricity to the
motor but it will not turn.