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ly Step 3
4 Legs
NOTE. Hardware Bag A
includes 16 bolts - you will
1/4-20 x 5/8" Bolts need14boltsforthisstep.
The 2 remaining bolts will
14 Req u ired beusedinthenextstep.
1. Leave the cabinet upside down.
2. For each leg, line up the mounting holes
as shown and insert the bolts. Nuts are
pre-welded to the cabinet.
IMPORTANT: The leg that contains an
extra hole on its side must be mounted
at the front in the position shown. This
hole will be used to secure the gas hose
to the leg with a zip-tie (Step 11).
Leg with
extra hole
(see detail
3. DO NOT insert bolts into the two front
mounting holes indicated as shown.
These bolts will be mounted in the next
step of the assembly.
4. DO NOT tighten
the bolts for the
front legs. Leave
them loose enough
so that the legs can
move easily. The back
legs may be tightened
securely at this time.
Phillips Head
DO NOT install
these 2 bolts in
this step.