Kenmore 146.1622201 Gas Grill User Manual

1. 4pcsofM6x13screws:
Wheels and Leg Extendersto Cart
[] Turnassemblyupsidedown.Align the bottomshelfside holeswith legholes.
[] Attachsidesof bottomshelfto four legswith (4) M6x13 screws,M6lock washers and M6flat washers.
Fullytightenall shelf screws,topand bottom.
[] Removehitchpin, nut andwasherfrom axle. Insertaxle rod through a wheel, through both right leg
axle holes, and through other wheel.
[] Attachwith (1)Axle washer, nut andhitch pin. Assemblewheels with "cone"sideagainst legs.
[] Hammerlegextendersonto left legs.
2. 4pcs of M6Iockwashers:
3. 4pcsof M6flat washers:
Leg Extender Rear
Leg Extender Front
Axle Rod
Hitch Pin
Alxe Washer