Broilmaster BL26P-1 Gas Grill User Manual

B101586-7-1012 Page 17
bl48g-1, SS48g-1 onE piECE in-ground poSt
b101652 two piECE in-ground poSt
insTallaTiOn insTrucTiOns
wArning: thiS in-ground poSt iS not dESignEd for uSE with An lp gAS CylindEr.
wArning: SEE your grill ownErS mAnuAl for propEr loCAtion, minimum ClEArAnCES, And
othEr importAnt SAfEty informAtion bEforE proCEEding with inStAllAtion of thiS in-ground
Erify thAt All pArtS liStEd on thE ExplodEd viEw of thiS mAnuAl hAvE bEEn inCludEd in thiS
CArton bEforE bEginning inStAllAtion.
CAution: uSE CAution whEn hAndling pArtS, AS thEy mAy ContAin ShArp EdgES. work glovES
ArE rECommEndEd to prEvEnt injury.